Essential oil blends to help assist
your energy field, body and soul in its healing process.

Besides the natural healing properties of the plant essences and spirits, these oils are blended on the New Moon, infused with reiki and healing intention and set out in the Full Moon before they are bottled and distributed. The essential oils and the jojoba base are organic and wild-crafted when possible, of the highest quality and sourced from ethical and sustainable companies. These oil blends are diluted and meant for direct application to your body as well as through inhalation and don’t require the use of a diffuser.

Alchemy Collection

Intended to help facilitate specific physical and energetic states of being. Whether you are looking for stress relief, help with grief or trauma, freedom from depression or anxiety, more grounding or protection, or the more practical effects of things like clearing the lung qi, these oils can help bring you into balance.

Ritual Collection

The Ritual Blends are a special and potent group of oils that are meant to be used in ceremony, ritual and deep healing work. They each carry specific energetic imprints to open certain flavors of energy in your body and system (or that of anyone you use them on). From connecting with the cosmos or deeply with the earth to balancing out the sturdy, confident inner masculine or the soft, sweet, expansive feminine aspects or diving right into a unified balance of the two, these oils can help in powerful transformation.